Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sponge-Bob & Burger King - Is this offensive to you?

So Burger King has been getting thousands of complaint letters about this video. I don't think it has been pulled off the air yet though. I've had some friends say that they didn't even know what was being advertised. I realized after a while that it was about a kids' meal.

Some people hate it. Others say that it's just funny and makes sense. Is this a sign of the times? Are we doomed? Or should we just lighten up and have a good laugh.


  1. I don't see it as offensive. I thought it was kind of funny, but I don't think it should represent a kids meal. I wouldn't want my 5 yr old watching it. I think maybe that's where they crossed the line.

  2. What Ms. Miko said. It's not appropriate for the audience they were targeting...but it's not offensive, either.

  3. I agree with Harriet, it is not offensive..but not appropriate for kids.

    It's corny..I can't believe they spend money paying dancers and other people to do this.

  4. LMAOOOO....whew that was fuNNY!
    U sure this is an ad? lol

    If this has not made it to the tv airwaves, and is only on You Tube, than it's fine. I don't think it should be a commercial we see on tv.

    I don't even think it was about advertisement. Looks like someone wanted to just have fun.

    I dont know since I don't keep up with the You Tube community.

    Sponge Bob got Back LOL wow

  5. I think its a funny commercial, but like others have said, not appropriate for its intended audience.

    That Burger King man is just too freaky to me though.

  6. I think it is hilarious, a riot some good afternoon fun. The only people offended are those that have square backs. LMAO


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