So I’m in the mall this weekend and I see a nice looking young lady… had her ‘girls’ out, baby phat jeans.. heels… and a walk that said she’d turned her swag on this morning. So I smiled.. waited for her to pass and I took a peek. “She gotta nice one,” I say to myself.
I go about my business…
So I see her again though and this time she’s walking with a young man. I hear some of their conversation… just enough to hear him call her mom. So he must been about 15 to 18 years old.
And I KNOW he gets tired of men coming up to his mama, grabbing her arm.. kissing her neck and slapping her on the booty and saying 'hey girl you sho wiz fine 2day'....
.... WAIT... I think that was MY dream.. nevermind.
But it did get me to thinking. I AM SO GLAD MY MAMA AINT SEXY. Now granted I’m in my late 20s, but still, I wouldn’t wanna be 15 years old and have folks always starring at my mama.
I can’t speak for anyone else’s mama, but mine don’t need to be wearing tight clothes nor showing off her assets! I like how she looks nice and does whatever she does. But it needs to say Hey, I’m a mom with kids who are grown and not Hey, I still look good for my age with my sexy self!
No sir!
There’s just a certain time and age where folks need to calm it down. And it’s different being a certain way for your man and for everyone else!
Is YOUR mom sexy? Are you a mom who is sexy? And I don’t mean attractive… but do you still find yourself putting your assets on display?
Good for them?
Calm it down some?
ReplyDeletei love it
Does it matter how old you are? What if you are a 21 year old mom? Does that make it okay to be sexy?
ReplyDeleteI'm a mom, I'm 36, my son is 18 and my daughter is fine, I've been married for about 10 years and I'm SEXY!!!
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't bother my husband as long as people don't stare, but I think my son gets upset because some of his friends have crushes on me.
I don't just put everyting I got on display, but I do like to look good, and show some cleavage sometimes, but not everyday.
but I do understand what you are saying, if I'm just going to the mall especailly with my kids, I try to look nice, but I don't look like I'm looking for attention nor do I want it. If you are really sexy you are sexy in jeans and a t shirt, and gym shoes. (well I'm not a gym shoe type of girl) but you know what I mean
If I'm going out dancing, I dress like I'm going dancing.
skinny B good question
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's "OKAY" for any age.. rather, I can't call it. I will say that I think most folks expect a 21 year old to behave a certain way... or it would be less unsettling.
And I think that at certain ages with certain responsibilities... certain other things should change. One of those being what body parts we put on display. And really... what MY mama and my future baby-mama put on display. yessir
although I follow what you are saying, you have to remember your mom was sexy to someone or you wouldn't be here. I believe sexy isn't just a look, but its a state of mind, so mom can be sexy but dresses without showing everything she has. That show should be for her man
ReplyDelete*exhale* hmm...hmm..
ReplyDeleteJames, 'sexy' is subjective. I'm trying to envision in my head, what you deem as sexy and if that 'look'(whatever that look is) is too much for a mom with kids.
let me um..get back to you on this one :-)
Ms. Miko
ReplyDeleteIf I'm going out dancing, I dress like I'm going dancing.
What does that look like? I'm not sure what a 'dancing' look--looks like.
Yes, I know what you mean. As an adult, I probably wouldn't think about it, or be happy about my mama being sexy. But, from the mindset of a teenage boy, that would be very awkward to have a mama who was universally considered "HOT", and that other men, including my own friends, were checking out all the time.
ReplyDeleteMy ex mother - in - law is hot to death. She is in her 50's looking like she is in her late 20's. I think if you got it you should flaunt it. But it out there men are going to look regardless so why not put it out there? I intend to but it out there til it can't be put out there anymore. I think if you work hard to be in shape and look a certain way the hey, let the world see it. Why not?
ReplyDeleteMrs K, I have to quote this, "you have to remember your mom was sexy to someone or you wouldn't be here." that is so true...
ReplyDeletePantz, when I go out dancing, I don't look like I'm going to the mall with my kids, nor do I look like I'm going to the grocery store. I wear a dress, or a skirt out fit, or some jeans with a nice shirt and some sexy pumps. I hope that's clears it up :D.
Ok James,
ReplyDeleteTeh pic you have posted at the top of this blog, is that what you mean when you say sexy? Is that too much for a mom in your opinion to wear? Or are you talking about Beyonce type of sexy?
This blog was kinda funny because a friend of mine and I were just discussing this topic matter not too long ago. I told him how my mom has said to me, "Pantz...that skirt is too short. You somebody's mother." lol
I don't wear mini skirts, but I do choose to wear skirts that are above my knees but not too short (can't be showing all my 'good' stuff), but my mom believes skirts shoul be below the knees.
I'm not sure if it's inappropriate for a person to dress sexy JUST because they're a mom.
Why shouldn't a mom dress sexy?
My question to you: Would you date a mom who dressed sexy?
If you say yes, I think i'm going to shake my head
To Mrs. K
ReplyDeleteYou said: "although I follow what you are saying, you have to remember your mom was sexy to someone or you wouldn't be here..."
I think James' sexy def. is a woman who dresses in tight fittin clothes, shows cleavage, wears high hills with jeans, etc,
So, I don't agree when you say he got here because his mom was sexy. Back in his mom's time, only a certain kind of woman dressed that way (sexy). It was not the norm like you see today.
I think your def. of sexy and James' may be different.
We'll just have to see what he says I guess lol