No I don’t mean that I don’t celebrate or don’t love da Lawd as much as you… all I’m saying is that I wanna come home in the evening to peace and quiet in the neighborhood… at least for a lil while.
The school kids were out all last week and if I gotta hear another ‘Muh f**k you, you black b*tch’ as soon as I step out of my car, umma snatch one of them up myself!
Where are the programs! Get ‘em out the street!
But yeah… I know they still come out during the evening on school days, but it seems to be less rowdiness and less of them roaming the neighborhood looking to throw rocks and beat each other up.
Yesterday was the last day being out of school I believe and they were not far from my bedroom window yelling and running around. I went to the window to spy on the lil beasts and I hear ‘em singing versions of the Stanky Leg and Blame it on the Alcohol. That’s a WHOLE NUVA conversation right by itself.
Mine you.. they are all less than 10.. some look 5 and 6.
I guess one lil girl interrupted one of the lil boys and and he told her to ‘shut the f__k up…, you a$$ hole.’ My face dropped.
Then some lil dirty instigator says “OMG! You gonna let him call you an a$$ hole like that?”
The begin to tumble and chase each other. Some of the others still singing the songs.
I don’t remember cursing like that when I was that small.. alone or in groups. We sang some songs too, but Kris Kross aint even talked about having sex and blaming it on being under the influence…
What happened? Where are the parents? And how are my mild mannered future-kids gonna survive around these scoundrels?
I can just imagine what happens on the school yard!
The school kids were out all last week and if I gotta hear another ‘Muh f**k you, you black b*tch’ as soon as I step out of my car, umma snatch one of them up myself!
Where are the programs! Get ‘em out the street!
But yeah… I know they still come out during the evening on school days, but it seems to be less rowdiness and less of them roaming the neighborhood looking to throw rocks and beat each other up.
Yesterday was the last day being out of school I believe and they were not far from my bedroom window yelling and running around. I went to the window to spy on the lil beasts and I hear ‘em singing versions of the Stanky Leg and Blame it on the Alcohol. That’s a WHOLE NUVA conversation right by itself.
Mine you.. they are all less than 10.. some look 5 and 6.
I guess one lil girl interrupted one of the lil boys and and he told her to ‘shut the f__k up…, you a$$ hole.’ My face dropped.
Then some lil dirty instigator says “OMG! You gonna let him call you an a$$ hole like that?”
The begin to tumble and chase each other. Some of the others still singing the songs.
I don’t remember cursing like that when I was that small.. alone or in groups. We sang some songs too, but Kris Kross aint even talked about having sex and blaming it on being under the influence…
What happened? Where are the parents? And how are my mild mannered future-kids gonna survive around these scoundrels?
I can just imagine what happens on the school yard!
LOL @ "I went to the window to spy on the LIL BEASTS!! nah but i feel you these kids are def buggin! I remember being too scared to say anything crazy because i was fearful that a grown-up would hear and tell my mom! Times have definitely changed!!
ReplyDeleteI agree! Kids don't show respect or fear anymore. We get excited when our kids learn the lastest dances, yet we don't teach them values. Like respect, honesty, loyalty,...shoot their ABC's! I've heard so many children with poor grammar than ever before. I knew how to say...."My name is Bridgette" clearly so people could understand what I was saying. Not "My name uhhhh Briget"
ReplyDeleteSMH...that's just crazy. I don't remember growing up using that kind of language, either. When I attempted, it was always under my breath...I was too scared of my parents to even risk the rumor of me cussing like that.
ReplyDeleteMy question is who is bold enough to say something? I work around college students, and I wish they would pollute the atmosphere of my office with a whole bunch of senseless vulgarity. The students' computer lab is right by my office, and they know they can't come around my space with a whole bunch of foolishness.
I would have said something to those kids, I guess I'm just ole skool. I do have to agree that kids these days just don't have any respect, but that comes from the parents. To many hood rats and young parents trying to be friends with their kids.
ReplyDeleteI was a parent at 17 and I wish he would think we are friends, or if I found out he was out acting up. I would put my foot so far up his a$$. And he 18 now and guess what we still not friends. And my 5 yr old, please don't even get me started.
lol@And how are my mild mannered future-kids gonna survive around these scoundrels?
ReplyDeleteI have asked myself the same question. The ideas I came up with are
1. home schooling
2. never let them play with the neighborhood kids (my folks wouldnt let me out the yard and I turned out fine)
Manny.. u sure do let just anything out them lips now tho eh? :0-)
ReplyDeleteBrid... lol @ I knew how to say...."My name is Bridgette" clearly so people could understand what I was saying. Not "My name uhhhh Briget"
Mrs K.. but won't that isolate them when it's time to interact with other kids? That's my fear also
ReplyDeleteMiko... that's good stuff. how were the other young parents that you know? Did they have the same passion for respect and discipline as you?
ReplyDeleteHarriet.. not me, well.. not in most circumstances. They were prtty small so I can see myself having a talk with them. But as they get older.. naw.. I need a different setting. Your school setting may work.
ReplyDeletebut not just in the hood ... my car is out there at night! lol
One thing you have to realize is, this generation of children are parented by a lot of moms who were teens themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe parents are still out at the clubs, and don't make time to teach values. We are in a different time frame than our parents. When our parents were young, there was a 'village' to help raise the children. People looked after one another and children had more respect.
I like how Manny said,"I remember being too scared to say anything crazy because i was fearful that a grown-up would hear and tell my mom!" See, we don't really have that anymore because wth so many young parents, you can't really knock on a door to tell a parent how misbehaved their child is acting out in the streets. A young parent will probably curse you out, or slam the door in your face.
and aside from that, a child is more than likely learning to talk that way because that's what they hear behind their closed doors. Can you really blame the children?
As a parent, i always take responsibility for negative actions my son takes.
If he's not acting in a manner i would like, i say i messed up somewhere.
i wish more parents would take responsibility for the actions of their children and start giving a...
you know!
Great Post
Stop callin dem children names
All of this is a result of absentee parents. They are not monitoring what their kids are watching on TV or listening to on the radio. We have to do better as parents or else our children won't stand a chance.
ReplyDeleteReally depends on the parenting. I have a young aunt (33) with 8 kids. The oldest is 17 and the youngest are 6 (twins). They are well-behaved, age appropriate and respectful. I also have a young cousin (29) with 6 kids. The oldest is 17 and the youngest is 2. Her kids are all over the place. One got kicked out of school, the oldest is fast and boy crazy, one acts innocent but is sneaky as a snake. They all use foul language. It really goes to the parenting.